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Cultural Center Batahola Norte, Managua, Nicaragua
August 2012


During 2012, Rocío and I recolected 6 abandoned cameras in Spain (2 video and 4 photo cameras), with the target of giving them a new use.

Batahola Norte Cultural Center produces an important impact in this low income neighborhood of Managua, where population can access artistic activities as well as reinforce their education and develop their culture.

That August, we took the initiative to go there, where some computers had just been donated. Our idea was not only to leave there the cameras but also show the people how to use them.

Working with kids, teenagers and adults  we made and edited photos and videos together so that later they could use photography or video editing as a tool of expression.

*Video about Batahola Cultural Center, filmed in August 2012

While being in Nicaragua, we took the chance to also produce a video (film and edit) about the labor of the Cultural Center inside the neighborhood, which later they could use with their main donors in USA.
*Link on the left.
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